Environmentalists predict that if we proceed to shell out the natural sources just as we are doing now there will be no sources left for our children to use. We are not able to improve the organic resources but at least we need to try and not deplete them. By natural sources we mean fuel, water, plants, soil, wood, atmospheric balance, temperature and so many of them. These are minimal natural sources which take centuries to form and only seconds to consume.
So much is the world at a brink in their exhaustion that scientists are concerned and anxious of the existence of the coming generations. Newer inventions are getting made every single day. School children are taught the lessons of thrifty consumption of the natural sources. We as very good citizens should put in our tiny contribution in saving the environment. The easiest part in the saving energy is changing our florescent lamps with the LED lamps.
There are a variety of reasons for which the tubes are hazardous to the environment. Let us compare florescent tubes with LED tubes.
1) Florescent tubes are undesirable for eyes. Working in their light for a long time brings about headache. It also affects the vision eventually. Led tubes do not lead to any this kind of signs. You can work in their light with comfort for an extended period of time.
2) Florescent tubes consume about 60% more power than the LED tubes. These tubes consume considerably less energy. In a given quota of energy you can easily use LED for much more than double the time than the florescent tubes.
3) These tubes give comparatively less brightness. The quantity of brightness is a lot more with LED tubes.
4) LEDs last longer than the florescent tubes. They last all most 3 times the florescent ones.
5) As you save on the energy with the LED tubes you also save on the cost. This is also simply because they last longer and you save on the cost.
6) You do not demand ballast or starters for LED lights which you do call for for florescent tubes.
7) It is hazardous to dispose off these tubes because the gas that they emit on breakage is hazardous for the people. LED does not emit any gas on breakage therefore they are eco- friendly.
Add your little bit in the atmosphere safety. If we all save a bit of energy every day there will be an enormous energy saving that will be done globally. Take your green points and add to the power conservation program.