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LED: Will the Lighting Emitting Diode Replace All Other Types of Lighting?
Mike  2012-07-25 08:47:42  

LED:  Light Emitting Diode have improved enough to transition from being a sources of  ambient lights to a replacement for incandescent and other traditional forms of lighting .Not too long ago I wrote in the technical answers to questions on my website for solar outdoor lights that :  " Solar  LED were great for outdoor use but are not close to replacing  incandescent  bulbs for inside lighting . " Well my recent reading and research have proven me incorrect.


As with many facts in life today : new developments have changed  the outlook on the use of LED . LED  Light Emitting Diode have improved enough to transition from being a sources of  ambient lights to a replacement  for  incandescent and other traditional forms of lighting . There are now LED light bulbs , LED Fluorescent replacement bulbs , LED flashlights , LED security lights , LED traffic lights , LED under cabinet lights , LED lighting for commercial Applications , LED Task light , LED headlights , intelligent LED that help cut costs in warehouses and industrial buildings , vending machines , food freezers , retail lighting and solar LED lights.

Energy Star recently stated that LED reduce energy usage by 75% and last more than 5 times longer than incandescent and  2 time longer then fluorescent lighting . It is because of the reduced energy usage that the use of solar  to power LED light outside as the required solar plates are small and can be set directly on the solar light fixture. 

The LED lighting revolution and setting the stage for incandescent light bulbs to become obsolete. Led lights offer a energy -efficient environmentally  friendly (by reducing carbon  emissions) lighting solution .Currently the City of Des Moines is retrofitting city street lights and parking lot lights with LED to save energy costs . Initial cost is higher than standard bulb replacement .Yet the final savings in energy  use and extended life of LED bulbs  are significant  up to 50% of the yearly budget  for these lights . These savings are estimated to provide a pay back in three years.


Another city is the process of utilizing solar LED lights on 9'-0" poles for to light up the main street for security .The old lantern style light is a decorative element that enhances the character of the main street. 


A 9 watt LED light can replace a 70W incandescent ,or a 5 watt LED replace a 45 Watt incandescent in a recessed ceiling can light,14 to 25 watt LED can replace 100 watt Halogen security lights.


US Department of Energy report on LED : states that widespread use of LED over the next 20 years can save 120 billion dollars in electricity at today's rates or the equivalent to 24 new power plants and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 246 million metric tons of carbon. That's a big savings figure for  lighting which is only 7 % of the electrical use of businesses and homes . 


Actual results as to whether LEDs replace incandescent depends on factors such as consumer acceptance , and potential new technology development that competes with LED's advantages over  the incandescent light bulb.


It is now a reality LED  Light Emitting Diode have improved enough to transition from being a sources of  ambient lights to a replacement for incandescent and other traditional forms of lighting . There are now LED light bulbs sold at Home Depot . LED lights are great source of light and a great sustanaible product  due to it's low voltage and no/low heat production . Go sustainable with LED lighting .

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