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Energy Efficient LED Lights and LED Lighting
Mike  2012-07-26 09:17:12  

LED lights are semi conductor light source and stand for "light emitting diode". Their use for lightning purposes has increased lately. Their basic advantages are less energy consumption, quick responsiveness, smaller size and longer life which give it an edge over previous lights. The invention of this has arisen from its advantages over the previous light sources since they are more efficient and have an aesthetic benefit.

The advantages of led lighting over other lights are that their emission factor is more compared to similar lights. They can emit various colors without the use of any color filters. They have a longer life too as compared to other electric bulbs. They are relatively small in size which increases its number of applications. They have the ability to be produced in a variety of shapes and sizes. These lights are used for displaying messages in airports and railway station in the form of sign boards. They are also used for street lightning, industrial lightning and decorating purposes. Due to their longer life and durability, they are now extensively used in cars, motorcycles and even aviation lightning.

LED lights have less heat output and this makes it adequate for aquarium lightning. With the recent shift in technology and extensive research and development being applied in field of LED, they find its application in various areas such as: Backlighting of LCD televisions and laptops. This has made the screen of LCD television and laptops thinner eliminating the use of continuous flow technology thus making the devices possess more clarity and longer life. Indicators such as traffic lights, message boards, weather radio and so on for communication. Due to their long life and quick responsiveness, they are being used as brake lights in automobiles.

Liquid Crystal Display which was a major development in the field of crystal technology had its disadvantages which are overcome by LED lights. In the LCD television, there is a substance present which uses mercury. It can be very harmful for humans as well as the environment. In comparison with a LCD television, these ones are very power efficient. They help tremendously in saving electricity.
Since LED lighting has a longer life they are a cost-efficient option for commercial and domestic lightning. Their advantages overshadow the loopholes of high cost and less availability and this major development in the field of semiconductors has a promising future. Therefore one must keep all the pros and cons in mind before making any such purchases.

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