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How to make Printed circuit boards:PCB?
Mike  2012-07-28 09:15:51  

The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is a device that electrically connects various electronic components and mechanically supports those using conductive paths and tracks. This is actually commercially produced simplest electronic device. Although they are initially more costly than the wire-wrapped circuits, this type of device is used in mainly high volume production for better and cost efficient performance.


You can make your own PCB etching station at home by using some simple items. But before starting to make it, you must understand all the terms and processes as you have to deal with acid solution during the etching process which is really very sensitive and dangerous for the novice. And you must take proper protections while making the board.


It is preferable to use toner transfer method while you are going to make your own board. At first you need to print the design using your laser printer so that you can transfer them into the board. It is better to print it in a photo paper or magazine paper as this printed toner will stay on the paper surface. Otherwise the transfer may not be reliable as the toner may stick in the regular paper fibers.


As you have prepared the design, it's the time to implement it in the copper clad board or blank circuit board. These boards usually are laminated with copper with non conductive materials like fiberglass epoxy. You can easily get these boards just from the electronics shops or by ordering them online.


You now have to clean that copper surface very carefully so that no oxide or oil remains in that as these can cause broken tracks as the toner might not stick. So, clean it carefully.


Now for implementing, set the printed gloss paper correctly over the laminate of copper and put high pressure with highest setting of iron with a cloth but never give any steam. First use the iron for applying general pressure on the surface, and then apply the localized pressure using the tip on the board areas so that the toner melts and the copper is stacked. Corners and those areas with high density need extra care so that they get correct heat and pressure.


Now for removing the paper, wash the board with warm and soapy water and then peel the paper when it gets wet. But never use so much pressure as this may rub the toner.


Now it's the time to create tracks using the board. You can use ferric chloride, muriatic acid or hydrogen peroxide in this purpose which you can get easily in the shops. You must be expert in this case as it is really dangerous and it needs expertise. Actually this method is beyond the area of this article. And this process involves the placing of the board into the acid for a while until the expose of the copper happens which will be dissolved in the acid.


After this, clean the board and apply coating of solder-mask or else. You may also drill hole depending on your need. Thus you can make your own Printed Circuit Board.

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