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LongTech: Advantages of LED lampor
Mike  2012-07-30 10:09:25  

Let's talk about the advantages of LED lampor and their shortcomings, the minus and plus their use as light sources, where they can be successfully implemented, whether they are safe and are so durable and economical, as we promise to manufacturers of LED products.

LED lampor  have low power consumption. The use of LED lampor as light sources can reduce consumption by up to 58% in comparison with other types of artificial light sources. At the same time the percentage of such cost may be, at best, but says that he will always be, it all depends on what coverage you have been exploited before.

High efficiency LED lampor. High efficiency LED lamps (up to 134 lm / W) is comparable only with the efficiency of gas-discharge sodium lamps - from 150 to 220 lumens / watt. For example, the efficiency of light bulbs - about 12.6 lm / W at 40W and about 17.5 at 100 W halogen lamp - about 16 lm / W fluorescent lamps - from 60 to 100 lm / W, mercury vapor lamps - 60 lm / W).


LED lampor are capable of serving as a source of light 40000 - 50000 hours of continuous operation, for example, an incandescent lamp is about 1000 hours. At the same time of the LEDs does not depend on the number of on / off switch.

LEDs lampor are environmentally friendly. LED lamp do not emit when operating ultraviolet radiation, and unlike fluorescent lamps do not contain mercury, which eliminates the mercury poisoning in the operation and the need for recycling.

A wide range of operating temperatures.LED lampor can be used in a wide temperature range from - 40 to + 60 degrees Celsius.
Strength and vibration resistance. LED lamp have no filament and are not afraid of intense vibration, mechanical stress and falls from heights.

The absence of flicker. When working LED lampa does not flicker, and as a consequence there is no adverse effect on vision and nervous system. Using LED  lampa lights in an office environment has a positive effect on employees, reducing anxiety and improving performance.

Instant start. LED lampor light up instantly (unlike fluorescent and compact fluorescent lamps) at any ambient temperature, as soon as they are served food.

Awide range of color and contrast of light-emitting diodes.LED lampor have a high color rendering index and a very narrow range, which allows us to contrast effects.

The cost of LED lampor.To date, the benefits of LED lampor  are obvious, although it is one big disadvantage - they cost. LED lampor  from manufacturers of high-quality, ready to bear all warranty period of operation, are relatively expensive products, but products from the manufacturers OEM - product in front of a very interesting and affordable. What to choose, everyone decides for himself, only to remember that when buying a cheap product that guarantees it will work for about 10 years old or who you will not.

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