We're all so used to electricity and everything connected with it, which is rarely ask ourselves the question whether to apply a different electrical device. For example, few people questioned whether the use of incandescent lamps and perhaps for many a revelation that the efficiency of incandescent bulbs is 3-5%, which is less than that of the last century steam locomotives! 10-15 years ago could only be sympathetic shrug and complain about the imperfections of technology, but progress is not in place and at the end of the 20th century, the fundamentally new electrical light sources - light-emitting diodes.
The radiation from these sources are not generated by heating the filament in incandescent lamps, but at the expense of energy of electrons passing a current through the boundary of metal and semiconductor. In contrast to all other light sources, LED lampor do not contain radiation of heat (IR) and ultraviolet rays.
LED lampor Longevity-Long life - up to 100 000 hours. For comparison, the life of incandescent lamps only 1000 hours, ie 100 times smaller.
LED lampor Economy-At the same brightness lighting based on LED lampor consume 4-7 times less energy than a light-based halogen lamps and incandescent lamps. In addition, at the expense of long-life LED lampa operating costs for the maintenance of lighting systems are much lower.
LED lampor The low inertia-Response time to changes in supply voltage for the LED lampa is measured in tens of microseconds, which is significantly lower than those for incandescent
indicators. In addition, unlike other types of lamps, LED lampor can be without prejudice to themselves to work in a pulsed mode. This makes LED lampor suitable for use in signaling devices, and devices for scenic color effects.
LED lampor Low heat. Low heat dissipation allows for lighting based on light-emitting diode light and compact. Low heating surface to be illuminated LED lampor makes it convenient for use in medical and scientific equipment.
LED lampor The quality and brightness of the light beam. LED lampor are not subject to wear, while the quality of the light beam of conventional lamps deteriorates with time. LED lampor never burn out like regular light bulbs.
LED lampor Environmental and fire safety. LED lampor contain no mercury in its composition, and almost no heat. LED lampor Security. Also very important is that the LED is no infrared.