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LongTech: The latest led lighting technology
Mike  2012-08-01 14:09:43  

The latest innovation in the field of lighting fixtures are LED lampor. By the principle of this light source device is fundamentally different from its predecessors. LED lampor are based on the ability of some semiconductor light up when an electric current. This phenomenon has been used before on an industrial scale, but only in the production of various indicators. However, at the end of the last century, the tendency of light-emitting diodes as light sources. Experts believe that in the next decade, LED lampor occupy a leading position in the market of lighting devices.

LED lampor - the reason for the popularity

The reason for this increasing popularity is simple - in many ways superior quality LED source and the lamp filament or discharge lamps. With a lifespan of up to 100 000 hours, which is ten times greater than incandescent lamps, LED lampor do not require high voltage and resistance to shock loads. A revolutionary low energy consumption now makes one want to buy LED lamps. Therefore, they are the best solution for a wide variety of applications.

For example, it was possible to buy LED  lampa bulbs for cars, where resistance to vibration and shock is a very important factor. Moreover, the frequent switching on and off does not affect the service life, which is important when using indicators and brake lights. A small power consumption can be very useful for application in marker lights car, especially during a stop on battery.


The unique ability to convey the pure bright color LED lampor makes a great tool for designers and architects. Least of the fact that these technologies not only bring new developments in architectural lighting, but also make it much more accessible due to cost. For these purposes, you can buy LED lampor, LED lamps, or ruler.

Several reasons for the choice of LED lampa

Stability of LED lampa lighting to temperature and atmospheric phenomena created the preconditions for use in both street lighting and lighting in commercial (hotels, shops, restaurants) and decorative (swimming pools, fountains, landscape features, etc.) objects.

Highlighting shelves and display cases - another area of ??�?pplication, where the LED lampa lights are very effective. Trading lights often turned the clock, so the saving factor might well be decisive in the choice of lighting fixtures. Another reason to buy LED bulbs for commercial equipment may be the ability of LEDs to provide virtually no heat when in use. This makes it possible to create a point-lights for some selected goods without damaging their thermal emission lamp. For this reason, LED bulbs are the best option for cooling of commercial equipment.

LEDs provide sample opportunities for colored lights

An interesting possibility of colored lights, which can be beneficial to emphasize the properties of certain products, as new technologies allow you to create virtually any hue. Some manufacturers can custom manufacture LED lampor specified parameters. Still first to appreciate the advantages of using LED lampor representatives of the advertising industry. Indeed, where, if not in advertising, are important, all those qualities that make the LED light bulbs so attractive? Illumination of billboards, illuminated signs, illumination, and much more - is difficult to enumerate the entire area of ??�?he application of LED lampor in the field of advertising.

A good choice is to buy LED bulbs for homes. Especially against the background of a stable rise in price of electricity. Indeed, by uncomplicated calculations we can see that a LED lampa pays

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