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LED lamps for the home. How to choose?
Mike  2012-08-01 14:14:29  

You can see in the sale of a wide range of LED lampor for home and office from various manufacturers - very cheap Chinese "artifacts" famous Chinese brand factory, good quality and high-quality LED lampor European manufacturers. Naturally, the mere layman is not easy to understand this diversity, the LED lampa to buy affordable homes and good quality.

How to choose a quality LED lamps for the home, should not have compassion?

Decide what base you want. In ordinary chandeliers are often patrons E14 and E27. Incandescent lamps in the power of the chandeliers 40-75 Tues So, look for the LED lamp for your home, which consumes about 3.8 Tues

Further, the shape of the LED lampor for the home traditionally seems most appropriate in the form of a pear or a candle, but more recently are spread LED lampor for the home in the form of corn. These lamps can be successfully used in chandeliers with shades closed, can be used as an element of lighting design. And in the open will look great plafonds traditional candles and balloons.


Light color LED lampor for the home should be warm, pleasant to the eye and not to tire the eye, which is about 2700-3200K.

And finally, how to choose a really high-quality LED lampa for your home, which will please you a pleasant soft light, flicker-free and many years to come? After all, it's fun and I must say, is not cheap.
First, high-quality lamp should have a good showing individually packed items, brand name, the bar code. And the box itself quality LED lamps for the home should be soundly made from high quality cardboard, painted with high quality.

High quality LED lampor for the home should have a warranty exchange for at least 2 years. You should be pleased to take the LED lampa in hand, for it must not have rough edges, protruding wires, burrs, badly painted surfaces.

In short, high-quality LED bulb for the home should be and look beautiful and reliable, trustworthy and a desire to buy it for their homes.

In recent years we have witnessed the explosive development of another technique based on the physics of semiconductors - Optoelectronics. First of all, this is manifested in the rapid improvement of LEDs - excellent semiconductor light sources that are highly likely in the near future, transform the world of artificial lighting.

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