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The use of LED lamps for the growth and photosynthesis of plants
Mike  2012-08-02 10:06:49  

Today, we can not imagine modern society without the widespread use of light. Working or
educational institutions, municipal facilities, industrial and manufacturing enterprises, transport, as well as agriculture - all these can not function without lights. No artificial lighting also can not do any one sector of the economy. At the present time to replace the standard incandescent, fluorescent, mercury and sodium lamps have increasingly bright LED lamps. The tendency of the transition to LEDs as clearly seen in modern industry and agriculture.

In the XVIII century, scientists discovered the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis - the process is the main activity of plants responsible for their growth and development. Office of photosynthesis - the most effective way to impact on productivity and yield of plants. Russian scientist Timiryazev proved that the energy source for photosynthesis is predominantly long-wave part of the spectrum (red light), and the effect of short-wavelength (blue-green) is less significant.


Were carried out by other studies, which resulted in it was proved that modern LED lampor can be used in agriculture for plant illumination. Forming the combination of modern LED light source can be obtained with almost any spectral composition in the visible range.

LED lampor have a lot of other advantages:

Low power consumption.
The focus of the radiation, which allows more efficient use of light sources based on LEDs.
The service life of LEDs is not less than 50,000 hours.
You can adjust the intensity of the LED, changing the current flowing through the crystal.
LEDs, unlike bulbs, are not brittle, so the devices based on LEDs can be vandal-proof, as well as LEDs do not heat up, which eliminates the risk of fire.

At present, to illuminate the plants used are adapted for Crop high pressure sodium lamps. We all know that sodium lamps uneconomical, short-lived. Modern LED fitolampy plants are able to provide more relevant range of agricultural lamp spectrum of photosynthesis.
Germany's DEL-ko has developed LED lampa LED Spot E27 PAR38 red and blue spectrum light for small plants. Optimum ratio of red (144 pcs) and blue (18 pcs) diodes LED lamps for plant photosynthesis in plants provides a good in different periods of their growth.

Where is used and how you can buy LED lampa fitolamp?

LED lampa for plants used for plants and herbs that we eat and grow on a windowsill or on the balcony: oregano, thyme, parsley, dill, basil, etc. Fitolamps used for lighting of indoor plants, which should be implemented from the beginning of winter to the spring to get a perfect result. It is also indispensable for planting vegetables fitolampy in individual greenhouses, at home and on an industrial scale. LED lampor LED Spot E27 PAR38 very convenient to use at home, as this is designed for fitolampa voltage of 220V and is screwed into an ordinary lamp into the socket E27.

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