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LED Bulbs
Mike  2012-08-03 09:35:16  

Now-a-days most of the car manufacturing companies are using LED bulbs for their cars.
Experts say the end could be near for the electric light bulb - in the car industry at least.

LED lights have been found in car cockpits for sometime. They are used to illuminate control functions and placed in locations where constantly replacing a regular car bulb would be laborious and expensive. Now they are slowly making their way into car's exterior lights and are starting to replace more common xenon and halogen bulbs, and while a widespread adoption of this new bulb technology has yet to be fully embraced, the benefits of it are plentiful.LED bulbs are more compact, durable and energy-efficient than regular incandescent light bulbs, and they last much longer. A regular light bulb only lasts about 500 hours running continuously, but a LED can last 10,000 hours, or as much as 100,000 hours, so that is much longer in terms of permanence and that's pretty much as long as a car lasts.

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