I have worked in a TV manufacturing plant for over ten years now and in my opinion a LED backlight LCD television really is one of the best choices when you understand how they work. A backlight TV is simply an LCD TV that uses LED back lighting rather than the CCFLs that standard LCD TVs use. The way the back lighting works is actually unique. It is a type of illumination that doesn't actually produce the light. Instead the LCDs need some type of special lighting source or ambient light in order for the picture to display. A LED backlight LCD television is more commonly known as an LED TV but isn't really the TV that all the big name brands try and portray. You will know a true LED display when you see one and some brands are really coming through with them. Sony is definitely one of the big TV name brands that really try to make TVs with every form of LED setup possible.
The LEDs that are placed within the panel of the LED backlight LCD can be a few different forms. The most common form is white edged LEDs that fit around the rim of the screen and spread the light evenly with a diffusion panel. The reason why this is the most common form is because it is the only one fit for a thin model TV and that is one of the most popular style options today. Another form is using red RGB LEDs that fit behind the panel instead and is great for a higher color clarification. The final form is full array and that is when the LEDs are behind the screen however, they do not have the ability to brighten or dim on their own. It is good to know these forms when shopping for your new LED backlight LCD television.
The LED backlight LCD television could really be used with any light source that will correctly work with the LED back lighting. Modern TVS use HCFLs, CCFLs, ELPs, LEDs and incandescent light bulbs. An LED backlight LCD TV really is a great because of the energy efficiency and because they tend to have a much long life than the standard LCD TVs. Plus, LED production does not use Mercury like the CCFL LCD production. This is absolutely a better move if you are looking out for your environment. You can go a little greener without sacrificing those Sunday football games or midday soap operas.
The way the LED backlight LCD works may be a confusing to some but all of that mumbo jumbo turns around and gives you a breathtaking picture. I know that if my grandpa was still alive he would love to see his football games in an HD pictures like I have in my house now. Instead, I just hope maybe he floats by for a visit sometimes and watching the game right alongside us. Understand how TVs work is the first part, finding one that works for you and your family is the next.