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The Led TV - The Best of Technology
Mike  2012-08-04 08:34:25  

A significant improvement of the LED displays over the LCD ones is the longer life span. With increasing costs of all resources in the world market, all the consumers of HDTV are equally concerned about the advantages and money savings that they make with every purchase.


LEDs are quite different to standard fluorescent backlight technology and they can even be turned on and off on an individual basis. Another major feature in LED TV's is the lack of mercury in the backlight. The LED screen is a video display that uses light-emitting diodes. The LED panel is a small display, or else it is a part of a larger display.


LED TVs are little bit more costly then the LCD TVs but you will get the superb video and audio clarity. LED TV will become the mainstream television; replacing conventional CCFL-lit LCD TVs. The LED-TV can be extremely slim with Edge-LED lighting. These televisions offer lower power consumption and especially when RGB-LED backlighting is used; they also offer a wider colour gamut.


LED TVs also have better viewing angles. This is very important as you can then watch the television at a wider angle. Some of the famous brands of Led Tv are Sony, Samsung and Philips has launched LED TV models. LED screens do not have screen burn-in problem, and are therefore they are even suitable for computer use To Pick the Best LED Television.

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