All these bulbs can be controlled separately and can even be switched off if the need arises. Hence you can see something dazzling against a totally black background in a very efficient manner. LED backlighting helps add a new dimension to the extensive color range and clarity of the images.
LCD and Plasma units have made their presence felt in the HDTV market today. But the recent introduction of LED displays has posed a significant competition for both of the senior flat panel display technologies. With LED technology providing quite a few advantages over the other flat panel technologies, it is fast becoming popular among the consumers.
A significant improvement of the LED displays over the LCD ones is the longer life span. With increasing costs of all resources in the world market, all the consumers of HDTV are equally concerned about the advantages and money savings that they make with every purchase.
Many may think of LED TV's as being a completely brand new screen technology but this isn't entirely true. In reality what can be found on the market is a new kind of LCD TV with a later technology that uses LED's as a backlight. The reason for LED TV not replacing LCD's as being the basis for the actual picture is due to the fact that LED's cannot currently be manufactured at sizes that are small enough. Because of this fact true LED screens are restricted only for large scale use such as in those found at stadiums.