Global LED general lighting development is rapid, countries on the relevant policy to promote its application. China has issued a series of LED lighting applications promotion measures, such as' ten city all light ', and the national development and reform commission jointly with the ministry of construction and housing urban and rural transportation ministry unit with the semiconductor lighting products application demonstration projects such as bidding, the industry of the most attention LED lighting lamps and lanterns price subsidy policy also be vividly portrayed, LED lighting lamps and lanterns has gradually entered the large-scale application stage.
No doubt, as world's most populous state and the fastest growing economy, China LED lighting applications market potential is huge. But at the same time, by China's consumption level and the limit of the environmental protection consciousness, the promotion of domestic LED lighting applications compared with the developed countries still relatively lags behind, except the street light, such as the tunnel light outdoor lighting, the market potential of the largest indoor lighting the application level and the scale is still very limited.
A LED lighting lamps, domestic application situation
China lighting market size, the products with incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamps mainly traditional light source. According to the sales of lamps volume, LED lighting lamps and lanterns in general lighting market share is less than 1%, still far mainstream lighting products. Our country except the street light, LED lighting applications tunnel light etc used more often outside, the whole, application behind Europe, Japan and other main lighting market, the application of the market also need to support and promote. In addition, and the demand of the market compared, in the standards and specifications of the concrete implementation of insufficient still, has LED lighting applications to the promotion of a barrier.
According to the national semiconductor lighting engineering and industrial union survey, in 2010, LED lighting lamps and lanterns in the main in the class of lamps are application, including LED shoot the light, tongdeng, ball steep light, straight GuanDeng, plane light, street light, tunnel light etc, which is the largest number of alternative incandescent light bulb and energy-saving lamps ball steep light, accounted for 41%; Next is the shoot the lamp and canister light, to 28% and 12% respectively.From the results of the preliminary statistics to see, the structure of products in 2011 compared with 2010 change, LED the proportion of ball steep light further boosted by 46%, shoot the light, canister light the share of decrease, the proportion of direct GuanDeng have bigger promotion,
In LED from the corresponding to the permeability of market of lamps to see, street lamp and the tunnel light penetration is obviously higher than indoor lighting to LED lamps and lanterns, 5% or so, and indoor lighting lamps and lanterns is not LED by more than 1%. 2011 all kinds of LED lighting lamps market penetration of all increase, outdoor lighting of 5% or more, but the indoor lighting lamps and lanterns are still more than 1%. The whole, 2010 LED lighting lamps market share for 0.4%; In 2011 is expected to reach 1%. Second, our country LED lighting market prospect analysis
China lighting industry base is very strong, is the world's largest producer and lamps and lighting source. According to the statistics of China lighting appliances association, in 2010 the incandescent lamp output by 3.8 billion only, fluorescent lamp output by 6.69 billion only, of which only 1.83 billion straight fluorescent lamp, fluorescent lamp ring type 1.8 billion only, CFL44.3 one hundred million only. In 2010 the national production HID lamp 174 million only, of which only 56 million high-pressure mercury lamp, high-pressure sodium lamp 54 million only, metal halide lamp 63 million only.
At the same time, our country lighting lamps mainly by domestic consumption enterprise to provide production, import products in China, accounting for the share of less than 5%, while nearly 70% of the domestic production for export. Good lighting industry basis for domestic not only LED lighting lamps market applied to provide the reliable products supply, but also for the domestic LED lighting industry through the scale effect to improve the cost performance of LED lighting lamps and provide great support. 3. The LED lighting lamps in the life cycle cost advantage began to form
It LED the application of lamps to see, the cost is the most important lamps factors. The cost of LED lamps consists of two parts, one is the lamps initial cost, it depends on the market price of LED lamps; 2 it is the use of lamps and cost, this depends on life, power costs and lamps and maintenance cost, and other factors.
At present, the LED lighting lamps price is far higher than the traditional lighting lamps and lanterns, up to a maximum of 40 times, more than two times the lowest also. According to the LED lighting manufacturing process and component price,LED lamps price will always higher than traditional lamps and lanterns, but the price will further narrowing. In the current domestic lighting conditions of use and power price level, the consumption of electricity and LED lamps and maintenance cost is lower than the same utility of traditional lamps and lanterns.
Based on the LED lamps and the life cycle cost analysis, the LED lighting lamps and lanterns and the same efficiency of the traditional than lamps, has LED the ball steep light, LED shoot the light, LED canister light life cycles are significantly lower than the cost of traditional lighting, has obvious advantages in competition. And the GuanDeng LED straight the life cycle cost and traditional lighting is flat, expected in 2012 will appear obvious cost advantage and realize that the alternative use of promotion. In outdoor lighting lamps and lanterns, used for replacing 250 W high pressure sodium LED lamps, LED street lamp and the cost of the tunnel light to less than traditional lighting cost, cost about 30% gap, LED lamp and tunnels competitive advantage has revealed. According to the LED lighting lamps are cutting prices, performance of increased development trend, is expected to 2013 years ago, most LED the life cycle of the lamps of the comprehensive cost will obviously less than traditional lamps and lanterns, become the mainstream lighting source,
LED lighting applications market in China has started to form, predicts that as domestic LED lighting products subsidies support policies issued and implemented, the domestic LED lighting applications market will appear in the rapid growth in the past two years, see figure 4. With semiconductor lighting products performance of ascension and lower production costs, and at the same time, with the related application environment, such as standard, product certification and testing, engineering application design and demonstration, relevant policies and other industry environment improvement, LED lighting applications will be in 2011-2015 to keep higher growth rate. According to data calculation lamps, in 2015 is expected to in the lighting markets will be boosted by 30% or so, become the most competitive mainstream lighting one of light source.