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Installation Instructions-Single End Powered LED Tube Installation
Mike  2012-08-20 03:37:38  

Installation Instructions-Single End Powered LED Tube Installation


1. It is the responsibility of the contractor, installer, purchaser, owner, and user to install, maintain, and operate the device in such a manner as to comply with all state and local
laws, ordinances, and regulations.

2. The instructions and precautions set forth in this user guide are not necessarily all inclusive, all conceivable, or relevant to all applications as The LED Light, Inc. cannot anticipate
all conceivable or unique situations and assumes no responsibility or liability for damages. It is the recommendation of The LED Light, Inc. that installation of this product be
performed by a licensed electrical professional or contractor.

Pre Installation:
1. Turn off any electrical circuit breakers that control the fixture being
2. Remove fixture cover according to the fixture manufacturer’s instructions.
3. Remove fluorescent bulbs from fixture
4. Test the fixture with appropriate electrical testing equipment to ensure that no
voltage is being received by the fixture

Fixture Retrofit:
1. Identify the L (Live or +) and N (Neutral or -) lead wires coming into the
fixture from your electrical system. (See Figure A)
2. Leave the N (Neutral or -) wire connected directly to the tombstone socket as
shown in Figure B (NOTE: We will be referring to this side of the fixture
as the “Input Side”)
3. Cut the wire from the starter to the Input Side (NOTE: Make your cut so
that there is a length of wire left coming from the Input Side which will
be used at Step 5) (See Figure B)
4. Cut the L (Live or +) wire connected to the ballast (See Figure B)
5. Connect the L wire to the remaining wire on the Input Side (See Figure B)
6. Secure all connections and cut wires with the appropriate fastener or wire nut
7. For fixtures with multiple bulbs repeat this process connecting the main N (-)
and L (+) on the same side as your main Input Side

1. Install the bulb with the Label Side of the bulb on the same side as the Input
Side of the fixture. (See Figure C)

Post Installation:
1. You may remove the Ballast and Starter or leave them, inoperable, in the
fixture (NOTE: No connections are required on the other side of the
2. Replace fixture cover according to the fixture manufacturer’s instructions.
3. Re-establish electrical power to the fixture at the electrical circuit breaker.

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