Japan Panasonic huge loss
2013-05-15 09:01:53
From the contribution of each business segment, compared to fiscal year 2012, Panasonic flat-panel TVs, BD recorders, digital cameras, mobile phones have decreased to some extent, although the automotive systems and car battery sales increased slightly, digital products revenue or a decrease of 62.92 billion yen.
Panasonic has released the fiscal year 2013 annual report. 2013 fiscal year ended March 31, 2013, Panasonic revenue fell 7%, a net loss of 754.25 billion yen ($ 7.46 billion), and the loss of a previous fiscal year, compared with 772.17 billion yen.
Regional sales, Japan, China and Europe markets will reach more than 9% of sales from high to low in Japan (3.8 trillion), the Americas (1020000000000), China (0.94 trillion), Asia (0.88 trillion), Europe (0.67 trillion), the only increase in the American market, an increase of 6%. Japanese market and foreign markets ratio is close to 1:1 (52:48).